Thursday 9 January 2014

Pictures of 2013

My Favorite News Story (serious)
A hibiscus flower blossoms after emit volcanic ash
at Mount Sinabung in Sumatra on Nov. 19.

I chose this picture because this shows hope although tragicity has been involved.
A Fun One
The boys are watching the basketball game in Bergholz, Ohio
People celebrated the farewell picnic for Burkholder as he was sentenced to prison
 because his part in the hair and beard cutting scandal.
I chose this picture because it's cute.
A Strong Composition.
This is at West Midland,
When firefighters tackle a large blaze at a recycling plant in central England on July 1, 2013.
They controlled the fire in plastic.
I chose this picture because it shows it shows what we are doing to our envirment.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Painting with Light

Painting with light toward the camera

Painting with light toward the subject

Painting with light with a flash

Multiple exposures

Slow blur with stoppage time


Painting with Light - Contact sheet