Wednesday 7 January 2015

Lana Slezic

  • Who is Lana Slezic and what makes her special/famous?
    Lana Slezie is a person who her father gave her a camera when she went travelling after the graduated from high school. Her photoes are always filled with emotions. It makes the things she took a picture of have a heart or soul. her work always kinda create light from darknesses. She went to places where everyone discarded and gave up on because its too depressing to go to.
  • Name three places Lana Slezic has travelled to to document?
    She had traveled to Bosnia, NepalAfghanistan,India
  • What is she mostly interested in photographing? What is her approach, or philosophy?
    She seem to like taking pictures of people since her photo series are always something about the people. one of her approach is to  knock on door and asked to take pictures of people in their homes or doing their jobs. She like to capture certain kind of  light.
  • Identify three of the issues that Lana has documented. Explain her approach what she has learned or shared with us.
    Some of the issues the Lana documented are a girl that was married at four, facing abuse and , police women, after killed outside her home,id photoes,nersery school.
  • Find three images that Lana has taken and post them to your blog. Write a short reflection of each photograph.

    the girl who was sexually abused

    Woman in power. the police woman in power

    Looking through the photo passport thing. I like it because it looks so creative . Unique

Tuesday 6 January 2015

The Year in Pictures 2014

What stories do you remember? What stories made you think? What images stuck with you?
          The story about 
Marius the giraffe stuck to me the most in 2014. it was a zoo killing that happened in the Danish Zoo. the giraffe apparently did not fit in with the park's breeding program therefore had to be killed and feed to lions. This story made me think because your are thinking is the zoo did the right thing or not. Should they have saved that animal who was costing them money to feed or have they done the right thing by feeding it to the lion  not wasting any parts of the giraffe's body? The image of the giraffe's story stuck to me because its not something pleasant that you would see everyday.

1. Describe the story: What happened? Explain the details of the story.
    Dog peeks out from under a gate at the Cirllo family. Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, the army reservist who  was shot           dead as he stood guard befoe the Tomb of the Unknown soldier in Ottawa. The shooting began an attack that     ended with a lone storming into Parliament and opening fire before being shot dead himself.
2. Describe the image that accompanies the story. 
    The dogs are looking/waiting for something. Sad looking. The pile of flowers, flags and the doll made it seem       like a solders that was a husband from a family who had a daughter had just died.
3. Identify the main subject, 
    the dog(s) 
4. Describe background details, 
    the flowers, flags and the doll
5. What is the emphasis/compositional technique used?
    rule of thirds

  1. Describe the story: What happened? Explain the details of the story?A hot air balloon floats past an almost full rising moon on a warm fall evening near Encinitas 
  2. Describe the image that accompanies the story.
    it looks like the people in the hot air balooon should be enjoying their view. probably a really calm bright night, and the seanery of the moon must be great.
  3. Identify the main subject,
    Hot air balloon
  4. Describe background details,
    the moon in the middle bring out the hot air balloon because the moon is whitefish blue while the hot air balloon is yellowish looking with an abnormal shape.
  5. What is the emphasis/compositional technique used?
    rule of thirds, contrast,