Friday, 15 June 2012

Shutter Speed Vocabulary

  1. Shutter- Allow light to pass through
  2. Shutter Speeds- The faster the shutter the more light it takes longer it takes to develop
  3. Shutter Priority- A specific shutter speed while the camera adjusts its aperture to ensure correct exposure.
  4. Exposure- How to set your camera for a good exposure-
  5. Aperture- A hole opening that light travels in
  6. ISO/ASA- Speed with which your film or digital camera responds to light so the higher the ISO/ASA the more sensitive toward light and film

  7. Bulb- A faster it allowed you to capture 1moving subject faster
  8. Cable Release- Trip the shutter mechanically while being isolated from the camera to reduce camera shake or to operate the camera from a distance
  9. Tripod- Stables the camera to avoid shaking.
  10. Bracketing- Several shot of camera using different camera mode/settings

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